google-site-verification: google9472725735bb05e8.html google-site-verification=lBK2jn1FM1yMX6W_nNpn2Lo_BiX94Yy-w4es10mbTcY CHRISTMAS - FESTIVALS OF INDIA 1
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The christmas is  celebrated on the birth of jesus christ, it is celebrated in different ways in different countries,even those with with few christians. secular celebrations of christmas are common place in aall over the world. India is less than three percent of christian ,but christmas his a national holiday all over the world.the celebrations often have  local flair.In bethlehem ,the birthplace of jesus ,christians display nativity scenes and mark their doors with crosses. they fill churches on christmas eve to watch an annual procession. In syria children wait for presents from the youngest of the three wise mens camels.not santa. The christmas festival comes in last month of december.


The name 'christmas' comes from the mass of christ or jesus. A mass service which is sometime called Communion is where christians remember the jesus died for us and then came back to life. The christmas services was the only one that allowed to take place after sunset and before sunrise on the next day ,so people had it at midnight , so we get the name christmas.

christmas is now celebrated by people around the world, whether they are christians or not.its a time whwn family and friends come together and rememberd the good things they have.people espicially children likes the time when you give and recieve presents from family.

Early christian community distinguished between the identification of the date of jesus birth and the celebration of event. In particular , during the first two centuries of christanity , there was strong opposition to recognizing birthdays of martyrs or for that matter of jesus. Numereous church fathers offered sarcastic comments about the pagan custom of celebrated birthdays when , in fact,saints and martyrs should be honoured on the days of their matrydom their true birthdays from the church perspective.


CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS Reviewed by uday reddy on February 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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